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Refined Cooking Oil
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High Quality Thailand Rice
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High Grade Coffee Beans
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Crude corn oil

Corn oil (maize oil) is oil extracted from the germ of corn (maize). Its main use is in cooking, where

Crude palm oil

CRUDE PALM OIL (CPO) FFA (as palmitic) 5% max
M&I 0.5% max
IV (Wijs) 51 – 55
CRUDE PALM OLEIN FFA (as palmitic) 5% max
M&I 0.25% max
IV (Wijs) 56 min

Crude sunflower oil

Type Sunflower oil Product Type Nut & Seed Oil Processing Type Refined Refined Type Fractionated Oil Cultivation Type Organic Use Cooking Packaging 1L, 2L, 2.5L, 5L bottles, or flexitank Place of Origin Gaziantep, Turkey Brand Name - Color Yellow, clear yellow Purity 100% Grade 1st Grade, Grade A

Non GMO Crude soybean oil

With global performance, we build our brands considering the particularities of each market, with innovative proposals that connect consumers in hundreds of countries. There are more than 3 thousand products prepared with care and security, which guarantee to bring flavor and quality to the table of all those in love with our innovations. 100% Refined Soybeans Oil We supply Grade A' Refined Soybean Oil. We package our Refined Soybean Oil in bulk or pet bottles . Appearance: Golden yellow, bright & clear oil liquid Odor: Bland, odorless Shelf Life: 12 months

Non GMO Crude Rapeseed oil

Refined /Unrefined Crude Rapeseed Oil
Cultivation Type
Place of Origin
Brand Name
Trading Global
Model Number
Rapeseed Oil

Refined corn oil

Product Specifications Refined Corn Oil

Chemical Specifications
Specific Gravity at 25 ° C 0915-0922
Refractive Index at 25 ° C 1.47-1474
Iodine number 103-128
Free fatty acid <0.1%
Moisture 0.0% Max
Appearance Crisp and vibrant
Smell and taste Odorless, odorless and soft



Barley (also called groats) is botanically known as Hordeum vulgare, and is believed to originate in western Asia or Ethiopia. Dating back to the stone age, barley is still considered one of the top five cereal grains in the world. Only ten percent of barley is used as human food, while a full third is used for brewing malt beverages, including beer and whiskey. However, the majority of harvest barley is used for livestock feed. Barley is also a prime ingredient in the making of one variety of the popular Japanese condiment called miso.


Dry Azuki beans are small dark red, oval beans approximately 5 mm in diameter. They have a distinctive white ridge along one side. The Azuki bean has been grown and used for many centuries in the Orient. Its principal use throughout the Far East is in sweetened products (ann) and it is into this niche market that the Australian Azuki bean producers target their produce..


Maize is commonly known as corn and is the most cultivated crop on Earth. Globally, maize is the most cultivated staple crop and is used as a primary source of nutrition. Maize is a good source of vitamins, other than niacin and B12. Yellow maize can provide substantial amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, folacin, magnesium and potassium. Maize is also low in fat and calories and is a good source of dietary fibre as well as protein.


Oats are grains from a cereal plant and once harvested, go through a milling process. In order to retain the valuable nutrients in oats, processors set out to preserve as much of the oat grain as possible. The mill removes only the outer inedible shell, known as the hull – virtually guaranteeing you get all the goodness of wholegrain no matter what form you eat oats in. Once milled, oats are steamed, heated and cooled in a kiln, which brings out the flavour. The oats are then rolled, cut or ground to produce flakes, oatmeal or flour


Field pea are one of the oldest domesticated crops, with archaeological evidence showing they were brought under cultivation in the Stone Age, more than 20,000 years ago. They are now grown in many countries for both human consumption and stockfeed.


We have made a natural progression into supplying milling wheat since the wheat industry was deregulated in August 2007. We supply all standard grades of milling wheat to wholesalers and flour millers around the world. Due to our extensive grower network we are able to provide custom specifications wheat to suit our client’s requirements.


abtec, the organic people Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Ecofriendly Bio Vam Fertilizer for Plants – 1 Kg

Brand abtec, the organic people
Item Form Powder
Liquid Volume 1 Litres

Garden Genie Money Plant Essential Organic Fertilizer

Brand garden genie
Item Form Powder
Liquid Volume 0.5 Litres
Target Species Plant

TrustBasket Neem Cake Powder Organic Fertilizer and Pest Repellent for Plants (450 GMS)

Brand TrustBasket
Item Weight 450 Grams
Item Form Powder
Liquid Volume 0.5 Litres

TrustBasket Organic Bone Meal for Plants Home Gardening

Brand TrustBasket
Item Weight 450 Grams
Item Form Powder
Specific Uses For Product Gardening

TrustBasket Organic Vermicompost Fertilizer Manure for Plants – 5 KG

Brand TrustBasket
Item Weight 5000 Grams
Item Form Powder
Liquid Volume 5 Litres