Fresh apple juice carries a significant amount of vitamins A and C! You can mix your fruits and vegetables together to make your own great tasting juices from carrots, tomatoes, cucumber, or melons. As you explore this, you will also be able to receive more of the great tasting nutrients carried in other fruits and vegetables
Category: Fruits
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Grape juice contains phenolic compounds which have antioxidant activity, growth-arresting activity and antipromotion activity, according to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition. The study tested whether grape, as a fruit with high levels of phytochemicals, may have “chemopreventative” properties. However, it is not yet known if the anticancer properties remain after digestion, the study said.
As most of us might know, the orange is most well known for its high content of Vitamin C (60mg per 100g of edible fruit). This high Vitamin C content helps boost the immune system, supports collagen and benefits those with weak gums and teeth. Vitamin C also aids iron digestion. It is therefore a good idea when consuming foods high in iron, to have a food rich in Vit C either in combination or straight after. Oranges also contain carotenoids, bioflavonoid – antioxidants which all fight cancer and may help protect against heart disease. Oranges are a good source of the crucial B-vitamin folate, which is essential in preventing birth defects and fighting heart disease. Oranges, as well as other fruits, contain a water-soluble fiber called pectin. Studies show that pectin helps reduce blood cholesterol levels. This may explain why individuals who eat several servings daily of fruits, such as oranges, and vegetables have a lower risk for heart disease.
Nutrition Facts and Information about Mango: Mango is a good source of minerals such as copper and potassium. It contains traces of magnesium, manganese, selenium, calcium, iron, and phosphorus.
Vitamin Content: Mango is rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin A. Vitamin C content is more in raw mango as compared to that in ripe mango. It also has traces of Vitamin E, Vitamin B and Vitamin K.
Calorific Content of Mango: 100g of mango contains about 75 calories. Raw mangoes contain starch, which is converted into sugar as the fruit ripens. These sugars are very useful in weight gain when consumed with milk, which is rich in proteins.
Simply push a lemon through your juicer right before you begin juicing your apple. The apple peel carries some of its nutritional value. If you chose not to juice the apple peel, then you will not receive the abundant source of vitamin A that the apple peel carries. It is always better to juice with the peel on so that you can enjoy all the nutrients the apple has to offer! You should also wash your apples before you juice them. This is because they are covered in a very thin layer of wax to help preserve the apple’s moisture. A good portion of the vitamin C content is just underneath the skin. Also, as the apple ripens, the skin retains a lot of its nutrients and flavor. So allowing a little bit of time for them to ripen before you juice them will improve the great tasting value of your fresh home made apple juice.