Pakistan rice
Pakistan being an agro-based economy has natural abundance of all agricultural products including food items. Rice is the third largest crop after wheat and cotton. It is grown over 10% of the total cropped area. Rice is highly valued cash crop and is also major export item. It accounts for 6.7% in value added in agriculture and 1.6% in GDP. Pakistan grows enough high quality rice to meet both domestic demand and allow for exports of around one million ton per annum.
Category: Grains
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Argentina rice
Rice is unique among cereal grains in that the entire polished grain is eaten while other cereals are usually processed before they reach the consumer. Grain quality in rice is, therefore, a very sensitive issue. Interests and priorities of different sectors of rice industry are different. Farmers are interested in early maturity and high yield that would give them high returns in the form of good produce and provide enough time for sowing subsequent crops including wheat. Miller’s interest is high head rice recovery. Traders prefer attractive physical appearance (shape and size), whiteness and uniform grain size.
Indian rice
Rice is unique among cereal grains in that the entire polished grain is eaten while other cereals are usually processed before they reach the consumer. Grain quality in rice is, therefore, a very sensitive issue. Interests and priorities of different sectors of rice industry are different. Farmers are interested in early maturity and high yield that would give them high returns in the form of good produce and provide enough time for sowing subsequent crops including wheat. Miller’s interest is high head rice recovery. Traders prefer attractive physical appearance (shape and size), whiteness and uniform grain size.
Brazil rice
Rice is unique among cereal grains in that the entire polished grain is eaten while other cereals are usually processed before they reach the consumer. Grain quality in rice is, therefore, a very sensitive issue. Interests and priorities of different sectors of rice industry are different. Farmers are interested in early maturity and high yield that would give them high returns in the form of good produce and provide enough time for sowing